A Complete Turn-Key Voip Solution

IVS WISP Services
Residential Voice
Business Voice
IP Transit
IP Transport
  • $10.00 Monthly Phone Service:
    • Unlimited US Calling
    • All Local, State and Federal Taxes, Fees and Surcharges included
    • IVS Registers the WISP in any and all required Local, State and Federal Agencies as necessary to provide VoIP Service
    • Static e-911
    • DID
    • Caller ID
    • C-NAME (Outbound Caller ID)
    • Free Telephone Number Porting
    • 24/7 USA based Tech Support
    • Tier 1 Routes over Level 3, no LCR 503 Errors
    • 100 Kbps Symmetric Guaranteed Bandwidth per SIP Trunk
    • G.711u non-compressed, Toll Quality Voice
    • End to End Managed VoIP Service, including a "real time" pro-active VoIP Tunnel to protect the RTP connection over the Internet portion of the Network
    • Customized, Private Label End User Portal that includes CDR and Voice Features & WISP Admin Portal
    • Volume Discounting on registered end users
  • $20.00 Monthly Phone Service:
    • Includes all features and functionality of our Residential Voice Service
    • Full Featured IP PBX
      • IVR ( Interactive Voice Response )

CALEA Trusted Third Party (TTP)

IVS has partnered with the FBI to act as an intermediary on behalf of our clients to facilitate CALEA compliance. This service removes all CALEA responsibilities from your workflow and allows us to provide the FBI with all the required information on your behalf.

IVS Colocation

Rack your equipment with us at any of the Peering Facilities we operate from. This allows you to plug directly into the backbone of the IVS voice and data infrastructure bring your business to a new level of connectivity. This service provides, rack space, power, cooling, security and on-site support.
$100.00 per Rack Unit/month

IP Transit

IVS can provide competitively priced, blended Tier 1, internet connectivity (IP Transit) up to 10Gbps. Please contact us for more information and pricing.

IP Transport

IVS can provide Private Data Circuits (IP Transport - Ethernet, Sonet, etc) to most locations in the US. For more information please contact us.

Peering Arrangements

IVS can provide and manage peering, through both the Equinix Peering Fabric and private peering arrangements. Private peering arrangements will be dependent upon aggregation volume.

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